Mental health

 Im so glad to see mental health being addressed more openly. As part of my job as a substitute, I had to take a course about bullying.  This was hard as it brought up the feelings I have about being bullied by my brother.  Self esteem issues  tag along thru my life as a result.  I would like to teach yoga in the schools as a way to combat bullying.  I feel, in general, that in our American society, those who are quiet and kind are deemed as weak and tend to get "picked on". When my brother asserted his power over me, my parents would say, " you two work it out". That gave him a license to continue because his strength and meanness was no match for me. Parents believe that this is a natural part of growing up and call it sibling rivalry, but there is also sibling abuse and that should not be allowed.  This is from the course I took:

Vector Training, K-12 

Final Assessment

Bullying: Recognition and Response: Quiz

question 10 of 10:

Which of the following best describes emotional bullying behavior?


Often associated with social bullying behavior, emotional bullying can be used to break down a targeted student’s self-esteem. Emotional bullying behavior may take the form of taunting or mimicking, as the perpetrator provokes and intimidates the targeted student.


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