Happy holy days

happy holy days!  Here is a photo of me, @ 1987 celebrating my December birthday. Do you find yourself getting more introspective in the days  before after and during your birthday?  Many students join yoga close to their birthdate. In addition, since my bday is December, the end of the year, and a sacred time of year, it's a time of "taking stock" and checking in with yourself.
Am I feeling purposeful in my life? Am I putting my skills to good use? 

 Looking back, I realise I had never visualised that I'd become a yoga instructor, or a massage therapist, nor a French teacher.  I had always wanted to be a ballerina, and had studied ballet and modern dance thru college and beyond. However, I deemed myself " not flexible enough" to actually call myself a dancer. When I was a senior in HS, I somehow found a yoga class somewhere in Mpls where an Older woman was the teacher.  I loved the sacred atmosphere of the classes.  There was a feeling that we were learning something really important. That is when I decided that my body was my temple. 

 To be continued. 



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