Thurs at 5:30pm, close to labyrinth

 Updated as of july 22 2022. (Cool date!)  

We will be outdoors for this thurs pm class. If weather is bad, we can be under the shelter or zoom. New time 5-6:15pm at the labyrinth at the clock tower roundabout in Circle Pines.  Please contact me with your interest.  

Here is an interesting read about emotions by Jeff Foster. I CANNOT LOSE MYSELF.

I used to be terrified of feelings, my own feelings and the feelings of others. 

I believed that if I went too deeply into feelings, if I let them exist for too long in me, if I allowed them to live in my body, I would go mad, or I would be destroyed by them somehow. Or they would never leave, and I would get “stuck” in them forever, sucked into their dark heart, no way out. 

I feared “losing myself” in feelings.

I feared my own fear. I had anxiety about having anxiety. I was angry with my own anger. Like many, I believed that I had dark, sinful, dangerous energies inside of me, and that I had to avoid these ‘demons’ at all costs. This was all a child’s superstition, of course, totally reasonable conclusions for an innocent child to make. 

But as I stepped into presence, into my adult and out of my trauma, I came to realise that ALL feelings are safe, even the super intense ones. They come and go in the body. They are not permanent, and they just want to be felt, blessed, loved, offered safe passage, and move on. 

I did not have to fear or resist my feelings any longer, even the intense and uncomfortable ones. I could just relax, breathe, open, surrender, trust, and let them pass through. 

I cannot lose myself for I am present even at the heart of loss. 

- Jeff Foster


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