Thanksgiving Blessings and Time change for Tues pm Class
I also want to let you know that we have three more weeks of classes in the 2021 year. We will meet the Tues after Thanksgiving at the normal times. 9:30am and 6:15pm . Then in December we will meet on Dec 7 and 14th. The Tues pm class is moving from a 6:15 start time to a 5:30 start, 6:45 end . We will have a break for the week before Christmas and Christmas week. If you are a new student, please always call before coming. Due to covid and also the weather, there may be last minute changes. Some weeks we may zoom, which is what we will do that first Tues of January. We plan to meet in person Jan 11th.
There will be a special New Years class on Sunday Jan 1st at 2:00.
It will probably be 75 min of yin /aerial option yoga ($20 in advance), followed by an hour of dancing for all ages. adults $10, kids under 18 $5 each. You can sign up for the yoga class or the dance or both. Let me know of your interest.