Earth Connection Outdoor Yoga For All Ages

Earth Day  April 22nd

Earth Connection Outdoor yoga for all ages
Please join me in a family yoga practice outdoors.  Find Peace, Have fun!  
At Turtle Lake Park, North of Hwy 96 on Hodgson.  (Park is after Chipewa Middle School on the left in Shoreview)
To allow for spacing, there are three times offered (if possible please call and let me know if you plan to come and how many. 
12 noon – 12:45,
or 1-1:30  (only 30 minutes)
or 4- 5pm.
By donation. All proceeds will be donated to Sierra Club
Hiyala Indiga has been teaching 20+ years.  She had a studio in Circle Pines and now has a Tues am Zoom yoga class for anyone who has had at least 4-6 in person yoga classes.  During Non Covid days regular yoga classes were and will continue at Peace United church and at the clock tower roundabout dock in Circle Pines on Tues pm .

text 612 850-0071


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